by Vantagehunt
Despite owning good work exposure and talent, sometimes applicants miss out on a good opportunity. Some of them commit cardinal errors which lead to removal by recruiters.
Application Incomplete
Rather of keeping employers guessing, as the case usually, do your part and provide all relevant details. Time-crunched employers, who are swamped by hundreds of resumes every day, usually end up spending time on applications that are complete, and which do not need them to ferret out of pieces of information.
Not Following Instructions
If an employer specifies that phone calls are not welcome, it is best to adhere to it. It not only ensures that the resume reaches the right person at the right time with the right information but also underlines your willingness to follow instructions.
Getting General
Job portals give you the option of applying in the quickest manner to all jobs by clicking just once on 'Apply'. Best, way use VANTAGEHUNT for an effective and efficient way of searching for jobs. Many job searchers often send group e-mails and generic resumes to employers. This is the worst mistake one can make, and cuts a very shabby picture and shows the applicant's desperation and dull attitude.
Applying in a Rush
Organizations hire on the basis of what the applicants bring to the table and not on a first-come-first-serve basis. So never rush! Double check your application - details on the job board, resume and cover letter before sending them. Applications and cover letters filled with typos, accompanied with unformatted resumes will create a negative impression.
Getting gimmicky
In a bid to attract employers’ attention, many applicants resort to flashy formatting including fancy footers, colorful language or even personal requests in the comments section. Employers do not spend more than a few seconds perusing a resume and only if it evokes their interest are they likely to go through it in details. So, ensure smart formatting and the correct choice of words.
Not following up
Online applications also need follow-ups. For instance, if you do not hear from the employers within seven to 10 days, it is best to follow up on your application. Don’t call or mail employers every other day. The key is to be polite and show interest in the position while enquiring about your application.
Not Maximizing Opportunities
Now, with Vantagehunt network job seekers will be able to maximize their effort in hunting for jobs and minimizing the total expense from paper works and fare and food. Register now and you'll have limitless opportunities.
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